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Asphalt repairs in Shawnee Kansas

April 3, 2023

Asphalt repairs shawnee kansas

Dennis called us when he had water draining issues after his street was repaved and the new asphalt caused water to collect at the end of his driveway. The solution we came up with was to saw cut and remove the end of his driveway and install asphalt to the new street level.

How we proceeded with the Asphalt repairs in Shawnee Kansas

We started by saw cutting the driveway and removing the old asphalt and taking it away to a dump site. The second step is to blow dirt and debris from the surface and apply a tack oil this will bind new asphalt to the surface. The. Our Kansas City asphalt contractors brought in hot mix asphalt and spread it level with the street and compacted it. Dennis also chose to have the rest of his driveway crack sealed and seal coated and the results came out very nice and looks great.

Call Gorman Sealcoating & Striping at 913-626-7769 to learn more about our sealcoat asphalt services for commercial properties.

If you are interested in sealcoast asphalt in Shawnee Kansas, please call 913-626-7769 or complete our online request form.